MANILA, Dec. 19, 2012—Despite sadness of young pro-lifers on the outcome of the 3rd and final reading of the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill in both Senate and the House of Representatives on Monday, youth leaders declared they will continue to fight and stand for life.
Lea Dasigan, a full-time volunteer staff of the National Secretariat for Youth Apostolate (NSYA) said the RH decision was a tough challenge for everyone who is advocating life.
“This is going to be a tough challenge for us but this is also the opportunity for us now, fellow Filipino Catholics to truly live what our faith tells us. So that others may also be enlightened and find the courage to walk the path of Christ,” Dasigan said in her facebook account.
“And despite this difficulty, pain and suffering, we [still] have a reason to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil 4:4). Our anticipation of the Lord’s coming in our hearts this Christmas becomes our source of hope and joy. Let us not be discouraged, let us continue the fight, for He is Emmanuel – God with us,” she added.
For Whilssy Candelaria, a youth minister from Malolos diocese, the Congress’ decision was a miserable one for her.
We put up a good fight but what happened? she asked. But she was also pacified that praying and meditating on the outcome led her to a greater understanding of the event.
“There were three beautiful things that I thought we gain from this adversity. First, is better Catholic living, second is [electing] God-centered leaders, and third, genuine love which never fails to unite God’s people and work against injustice and tyranny,” Candelaria said.
She said she will always continue to fight for life in spite of what happened in Congress and Senate.
Xavier Padilla of the CFC Foundation for Family and Life commented that the urgency of the bill in both houses of Congress appeared to be just a consequence of lure of money and pressure of power rather than the result of some people’s convictions.
“It was nice seeing majority of the gallery in red, with a spattering of purple here and there. The voice of the people is really pro-life, pro-family and pro-child. I have no idea why they keep listening to ‘experts’ from the US and other countries. Just look at what is happening to them!” Padilla stated in his blog.
“The give and take between the Senators regarding the RH Bill was fast. I believe they (and the House) are just agreeing to almost everything in order to just pass the bill. And then there will be fast ones pulled when the bicameral comes along. When you check the bill President Noynoy signs, it will be the original one,” he added.
Padilla also said that he honors those Senators who have stood up for their convictions even under intense pressure and for voting what is right.
“People do not need condoms and pills, what they need are jobs, education, and opportunity,” he furthered.
“I am so disappointed that Noynoy is my president! What happened to the teachings and examples of his mother, the late President Cory? I am so sad with the result but I will lift to God this sadness in my heart,” said Melanie Santos, also a full-time volunteer staff of NSYA.
Basil Espregante from the CFC-Youth for Family and Life in Biliran Province, commented that the bill will lead to immorality and will provoke pre-marital sex among the youth.
Meanwhile, Jackie Lou Camua, a youth minister in the diocese of Cabanatuan mentioned a common Filipino statement “nasa huli ang pagsisisi.”
“Everything happens for a reason. I think we are being challenged by God to remain firm in our faith. It is not yet over, let us still continue our fight for life,” Camua said. (Jandel Posion)