LEGAZPI City, Oct. 3, 2012—A Catholic priest urged for sobriety amid uproar against the implementation of Republic Act 10175 or the Anti Cyber Crime Law with internet and social media advocates claiming it tramples on human rights and freedom of expression.
Fr. Cunegundo Garganta of the Episcopal Commission on Youth said all things can be discussed in a peaceful way.
“The advocates should discuss the issue with the government and not to resort in hacking government websites,” he added.
Garganta stressed that freedom is not absolute and people must always think before they click.
He also suggested that next time lawmakers should have a public hearing and must think about the implication of the law on the local, national and international levels.
Meanwhile, Seminarian TJ Boone said that a person sharing information using the social networking sites must observe some restrictions and apply them on a personal level.
Nikko Sebastian, a youth leader from San Fernando Archdiocese pointed out that citing sources on information copied from the internet or social networking sites is the right way to do to avoid conflict with the law.
The law is set to be implemented today, October 3. (Jandel Posion)