MANILA, Feb. 1, 2013—The Diocese of Petrópolis will be the host of the official Philippine delegation to the World Youth Day (WYD) for the Missionary Week.
The announcement was made by Fr. Conegundo Garganta to the leaders of various groups applying to be part of the Episcopal Commission on Youth’s official delegation to the WYD 2013 during a meeting at the CBCP Headquarters in Intramuros, Manila earlier today.
The ECY executive secretary and the head of the ECY-Philippines delegation, Garganta said pilgrims who will later on be accepted as members of the delegation will be accommodated by families, parishes and communities throughout the Diocese of Petrópolis from the days in the diocese, which was renamed Missionary Week, from July 17 to 21.
Upon arrival of the ECY-Philippines delegates in Brazil, they will be transported to Petrópolis, which is two hours away from the Galeão International Airport in Rio de Janeiro, the host city for the WYD that will take place from July 23 to 28.
Also known as the “Imperial City,” Petrópolis (translated City of Peter) was the summer residence of the Brazilian emperors and aristocrats in the 19th century. Meanwhile, the Diocese of Petrópolis is under the Ecclesiastical Province of Niterói and is under the pastoral care of Bishop Gregório Paixão Neto, OSB since 2006.
After the Missionary Week in Petrópolis, members of the ECY-Philippines delegation will travel to Rio de Janeiro on July 22, just before the start of the six-day Jornada Mundial da Juventude.
Victoria Tacderas of the National Secretariat for Youth Apostolate advised pilgrims to physically prepare for “a lot of walking” as they have observed limited transportation in Brazil, compared to the previous WYD host countries. She estimated the pilgrim walk from accommodation sites to the venue of the Closing Mass with the Holy Father to cover 14 kilometers.
“There has to be preparedness on the part of the pilgrims because of the physical challenges given the locations of the activities,” Garganta added.
Meanwhile, NSYA junior staff Stephen Borja also announced the extension of the deadline for submission of requirements for prospective WYD pilgrims from January 31 to February 28.
As of yesterday, the ECY-Philippines delegation secretariat has received complete requirements from the groups representing the Archdiocese of Lipa, Diocese of Butuan, Diocese of Dumaguete, Diocese of Parañaque, Military Ordinariate, CFC-Singles for Family and Life, CFC-Youth for Christ, CFC-Youth for Family and Life, Kadang Dominiko of the Santuario de Santo Cristo Parish, San Juan City, Assumption College of Makati City and YouthPinoy.
Borja urged the pilgrims to expedite the process of completing their application in order to get cheaper air fares.
“The sooner you finalize the preparatory steps, the better for you because you will be able to get more competitive air fare rates and better flight schedules,” he said.
WYD pilgrims from the Philippines are expected to travel from Manila to Rio de Janeiro from July 12 to 14 and to return after the WYD closing ceremonies from July 29 to 31. But members of the ECY-Philippines delegation will be undergoing a re-entry session to process the blessings of the WYD and to cap their pilgrimage. (YouthPinoy)