Continue to pray and advocate life—youth directors

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MANILA, Dec. 14, 2012—After the ‘tragic’ outcome of the voting on the reproductive health (RH) bill in the house of Representatives December 12, two youth directors called on the youth to continue to pray and advocate life.

Fr. Conegundo Garganta, executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Youth said that the next step to do is to pray, read, study, get proper understanding and orientation about the bill, and to pray hard for the non-approval of the bill on its third reading.

Garganta, who was also in Congress to watch closely the voting on the bill emphasized that the fight is not over yet and the young people can still do something in their respective dioceses, such as hold vigils and pray for the congressmen not to vote for the 3rd reading.

“The youth can also work ways to reach out to the Representatives who will have the axes for the third reading. Pray for them… and continue to pray,” Garganta added.

He mentioned that young people can also use means like the social media networks as an avenue of discontent, and organize forums to educate fellow young people that RH bill is not needed.

“Dear young people, living far from God captivate charming false promises but to stay and live true to His extraordinary light is a joy beyond compare. Narrow is the road to safety while on the road to destruction is devoid of any warning. So be cautious and not be deceived by false light, seek the true God of light which is Jesus,” Garganta furthered.

Meanwhile, Fr. Jade Licuanan, the youth director of the Archdiocese of Manila in his facebook account commented that he felt the need of more active young people who are members of the Church to be more aggressive in disseminating the teachings of Christ to other young people and to help in implementing relevant livelihood which is the pressing need, not the RH bill. (Jandel Posion)




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